Windows 98 Cheat Sheet

Getting Started Do your homework before you upgrade. Check the home pages for the third-party software and hardware you are running to see if there are any conflicts with Windows (98). Best online Microsoft MCTS Training, Microsoft MCITP Certification at Get…

Windows 98 Exclusives

Windows Update Online updating system. Goes to MS site and checks for installed and updatable Windows 98 components and drivers. Similar system previously available for IE4 but not for all of Windows 95. ACPI Support Low-level support for power management and Plug…

Microsoft Zune 80GB

When the new line of Zunes was announced, the addition of a flash-based model stole the show, but the new hard-drive-based Zune is a huge improvement on its 30GB predecessor with a better user interface, faster controls, and more features—including wireless syncing….